
“Users” means the visitors to this web page or the Service who are not registered users.
“Client” / “Clients means visitors who are also registered users of the Service that seek to use the service.
“Translator/s” and interpreter/s mean the freelance translators and interpreters/third parties who engage with E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate to provide the document translation services as contractors of E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate (not employees) 
“Service/s’ means all the erytranslate.com websites, services, apps, related technology and the translation and interpretation services to clients and translators and interpreters.
“Order/s” means any order for services created by a client, and accepted by E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate via acknowledge in the web page or otherwise in writing. 

1. With this agreement, the client will be able to get all the services are provided to the members by E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate after the clients registered. 
2. E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate will securely store all documents uploaded by the client and their completed translations. In cases where the service cannot be provided due to technical malfunctions not caused by E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate, the client agrees and undertakes that he will not claim that E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate  responsible and therefore will not claim any rights or compensation.
3. For the client, in order to get the services specified on the company web page (www.erytranslate.com) it is highly necessary to fill in the membership information completely and arrange the full fee for the document translation and/or interpretation services in advance. The company obligation to provide the required service to the client is subject to the condition that it has been able to collect the service fee in connection with the purchase of the service or that the contractual service fee has been paid to the company by the client via PayPal or credit card/debit card. Otherwise, the client cannot get any services that are provided through the E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate.
4. E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate, client’s failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this contract and the rules and conditions declared on the web page, the documents uploaded by the clients to the company web page do not comply with the rules and conditions published on this contract and the web page, it is determined that there is a risk in terms of legal, technical and especially information security, may suspend the relevant service temporarily or permanently without giving any notice to the client, as it may prejudice the personal and commercial rights of third parties. In this case, the price paid by the client for the services is returned by the company as the payment was made.
5. The client, by completing the membership procedures, accepts that he has read the entirety of this agreement, fully understands its content, and accepts and approves unconditionally and unconditionally all the issues specified in the agreement and also on the website, and that he will not make any objections or objections regarding these issues. already declares and undertakes. The client cannot give the password given to him by E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate or to be used on the web page that the client has determined, to other persons or organizations. The usage rights of the client under this agreement belong solely to him/her and cannot be partially or completely transferred to others. The client is also directly responsible for the malicious use of the password by other people, and E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate has the right of recourse to the client for any financial/administrative fines and/or compensation that it will have to pay for this reason.
6. E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate corporates with freelance translators and interpreters for giving document translation and interpretation services to the clients. As soon as the client agrees to get a service from the company and arrange the full service fee to the company; the client accepts, declares and undertakes that the translation and interpretation service are given by freelance translators and interpreters, he/she cannot claim to get a service by another translators/interpreters who are regular employees in the company. For interpretation service; E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate gives a daily basis service which refers to 8 hours (including 1 hour break-time). The company do not offer interpretation service by hours or/and half day.
7. The client cannot use the purchased service in a way that violates the public order, violates public morals, disturbs and harasses others, for an illegal purpose, infringes on the intellectual and copyright rights of others. In addition, the client may not engage in activities and works that prevent or make it difficult for others to use the services provided through the E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate.. The client agrees and undertakes in advance to comply with the above-mentioned restrictions.
8. The client agrees not to access and/or use the software and data of other internet users who get the services provided through the company web page (www.erytranslate.com), and not to provide these data to third parties and organizations. Otherwise, E.R.Y Co.,Ltd (주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate will recourse to the client for any compensation and/or administrative/judicial fines that it will have to pay to public institutions and/or third parties.
9. As long as the client gets the services provided on the company web page, compliance with the provisions of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, the Decree on the Protection of Brands, the South Korean Commercial Code, the Law on the Protection of Patent Rights, the South Korean Penal Code, the Code of Obligations and other legislation, and the notices published by the company agrees and undertakes not to violate them. Otherwise, E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate is recourse to the client for any compensation and/or administrative/judicial fines it has to pay to public institutions and/or third parties.
10. The client declares that E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate is not responsible for investigating the accuracy and quality of all kinds of information and content, including translated content provided by translator and interpreters, E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate and E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate employees and accepts and declares that the managers and owner are not responsible.
11. E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate can always unilaterally suspend the service provided to the client permanently or temporarily. The client accepts this savings in advance. In this case, E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate responsibility is limited to the return of the price of the service purchased by the CUSTOMER, corresponding to the unused service, to the client.
12. The client shall pay the fee determined in Article 3 in return for the services provided to him/her through the company web page. If this fee is not paid, E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate will not provide any services to the client. However, if the service has started to be provided for any reason, the service may be unilaterally stopped by E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate and the contract may be terminated immediately and unilaterally. In addition, E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate can always change the fee of the services. The fee of the services published by the company via internet, e-mail and www service shall replace the notification provided to the client.
13. The client agrees and undertakes that E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate records will be taken as basis for pricing and account of the service used. In addition, the client plans not to disclose it to individuals and institutions and to accept and buy the person to be selected unless the client has any commercial/confidential application to be purchased about the business.
14. In all cases that are legally considered force majeure, E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate is not responsible for late or incomplete performance or non-performance of any of its acts specified in this contract. These and similar situations will not be deemed as delay, under-performance or non-performance or default for E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate, or no compensation can be claimed from the company under any name for these situations. The term force majeure; including but not limited to natural disasters, diseases, pandemic situations, riots, wars, strikes, communication problems, infrastructure and internet failures, system improvement or renewal works and malfunctions that may occur due to this, power outages and bad weather conditions, and beyond the reasonable control of the relevant party; and It will be interpreted as unavoidable events that E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate could not prevent despite due diligence.
15. Since the membership relationship between the client and E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate is formed in a virtual environment, an agreement is formed and mutual rights and obligations come into effect when the client completes the membership application form on the company web page (www.erytranslate.com) and the application is accepted by E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate at the same level.
16. The client accepts, declares and undertakes that the personal/company information given in the membership application form is totally correct. The client agrees and undertakes that the e-mail address included in this information is the valid notification address, that any change in this e-mail address must be updated by updating the membership information on the company web page, and that all notifications to this e-mail address will be valid.
17. The client may use his/her right of withdrawal within 6 hours from the payment of the document translation service, in case the service has not been served yet. If the Order has been picked up by a Translator, the Order cannot be cancelled and there will be no refund of credits. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, it is obligatory to notify E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate via e-mail (www.support@erytranslate.com) within the same period. After the client arranged the payment of the service and the service is already started and/or provided to the client, the client accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will not claim the withdrawal and 100 % of the service fee that was paid by the client will not paid back by E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate to the client. 
18. The client may use his/her right of withdrawal 30 days before the interpretation service is given by E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate. In that case, client will get fully refund – 100% of the service fee – that he/she paid to his/her same account that he/she arranged the payment of interpretation service fee. As soon as the client gives the interpretation service order and arrange the service fee, and he/she decides to cancel the interpretation service request 15 days before the interpretation service is completed, the client automatically accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she can only claim the 50 % of the interpretation service fee that was paid by the client and he/she accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will not claim the withdrawal and 100 % of the service fee. As soon as the client gives the interpretation service order and arranged the service fee, he/she automatically accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will not claim the withdrawal and 100 % of the service fee that was paid by the client will not paid back by E.R.Y. Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate to the client 7 days before the interpretation service. The client In order to exercise the right of withdrawal and cancel the services; it is obligatory to notify E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate via e-mail (www.support@erytranslate.com) immediately. After the client arranged the payment of the service and the service is already started and/or provided to the client, the client accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will not claim the withdrawal and 100 % of the service fee that was paid by the client will not paid back by E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate to the client. 
19. The translation services offered by E.R.Y Co.,Ltd ( 주식회사이알와이) – ERY Translate are priced according to the word to be translated and the multiplier ratio between the selected languages, and the price information is presented to the customer through the company web page (www.erytranslate.com), according to the length of the document that the customer wants to have translated before the payment.
20. The settlement places of disputes arising from this contract are Seoul Courts and Enforcement Offices.